3m mpro110 pocket projector reviewed

by:XY Screens     2019-12-21
Remember the 3 m MPro110 pocket projector we previewed on September?
Those lucky propellers.
The head of Gizmodo grabbed a transport unit and gave it Lightning-
Review the treatment.
Unfortunately, once the novelty disappears, they will have a \"toy\" projector left, which will not cut off the commercial mustard.
Here\'s an excerpt: MPro110 won\'t help in a large conference room-
You can only 40 at most-inch screen (
About 6 feet by positioning)
But even so, the details are vague.
Your best choice for readable viewing is 20-
4 feet screen.
Ironically, this is more of a problem for the merchant who is the target of the product--
I didn\'t get much impact while looking at slightly blurry DVD cracks or cables
Even though like most projectors, 40 inch of the box TVs are close-
It needs to be dark.
I think the MPro110 will inevitably be a little disappointed because this is the first time
Generation products.
Still, for $349, it may bring a worthwhile increase to your mobile arsenal.
But I want other pocket projectors.
Like Dell MYPs)
Produce better results.
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