Birthday party u0026 beauty festival-XY Screens-img

Birthday party u0026 beauty festival

by:XY Screens     2021-08-25
'Happy birthday...' A blessing fills every corner of our hearts; March 8, 2012, today, is destined to be a special day, on this beautiful night, at this moment of gathering, let us bring sweetness and bring With a smile, with warmth, with blessings; together to spend this unforgettable night! The activity began. First of all, our leader gave a speech and the leader's speech made us deeply feel the company's care and attention to employees, and further stimulated their passion and enthusiasm. I believe that we will work harder! Against the background of colorful balloons, the smiles on the faces of the birthday stars are more brilliant and moving, 'Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...' The singing is loud and sincere. In a far away hometown, there are such a group of lovely brothers and sisters. It is so enviable that we sing and bless us. Therefore, we are happy because there are many people who love us and care about us. This happiness comes from the bits and pieces in life, and this small and small True happiness is extremely important to our lives. We abbreviate this kind of small but true happiness: 'Little Lucky'. Who will be your little luck? This needs to be discovered slowly by ourselves, but we know that it is our little luck, and we are also little luck! The rich fragrance of roses came to your face, oh, today is the '3.8 Beauty FestivalCome hereThe part of the game made everyone play more high. In the part of the game of stepping on the balloon, although the female compatriot lost in the end, we also gave her the applause of the winner! The spirit of not admitting defeat has infected everyone present, as well as at work. As long as we persevere and believe that others can do, we can do the same. If we refuse to admit defeat, we will work hard and success will be close to our feet! With a cheerful bunny dance and everyone’s hearty laughter and cheers, tonight’s birthday partyu0026beauty festival event ended successfully, but our joy and happiness will always be in our hearts. Finally, let us wish the birthday stars success in their work. A dream come true! I wish the beautiful compatriots to be young and beautiful forever! I wish a better tomorrow!
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