cheap alternatives to buying a fixed projector screen-XY Screens-img

cheap alternatives to buying a fixed projector screen

by:XY Screens     2020-01-01
The fixed projector screen varies in price, which depends largely on the size and quality of the screen.
The big screen will eventually be very expensive, in fact too expensive for some people.
There are some simple options for buying a fixed screen, which can actually save quite a bit of money and still get a high quality viewing effect.
Draw your own screen on your wall: It\'s amazing how many people do this with very good results.
The first thing you need to do is figure out how big the surface you want to project is.
Mark the perimeter and then draw the rectangle directly on the wall with the appropriate color paint.
Some choose white paint, and some mix silver paint with white paint.
It really depends on you and your preferences.
The next step is to find the black masking tape and wrap it around the perimeter of the painted surface, which will produce the effect of having a frame around the screen.
The work can be done in a few days, giving the paint coating enough time to dry, and the cost of making this affordable fixed projector screen is low.
Buy a power outage cloth and stick it on the wall: this requires some handyman skills as you need to make a frame first and post the cloth on it.
The advantage of this method over simply painting the wall is that it provides you with a movable screen.
The key is that you are limited in screen size by the width of the black material you purchased.
Buy white multi-wall: can buy from Home Depot or Lowes, the price is relatively cheap.
Texture on one side and smooth on the other.
You should use the smooth side on the screen.
Simply add a felt ribbon to the perimeter of the board to frame it.
Again, you have a removable screen that costs just a fraction of the normal fixed projector screen.
It can then be attached to the wall with screws or nails.
Once you\'re done, remember to paint the screws or nails black to match the decor.
If none of these options are appropriate, you may want to look further at a cheaper fixed projector screen.
DaLite produces some very cheap screens, or you can simply buy a frame and stick your own material on it.
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