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Screens (Electronic Visual Displays) are flat panels on electronic devices that display text, data, images or video electronically. They can be seen in almost every room in homes and in offices. Electronic Visual Displays include:

Display Device: This device displays information in visual form.

Computer Monitor: This device displays information in pictorial form. They can be used for entertainment, data collection and processing, and educational purposes.

Touch Screen: This is input devices usually placed on some systems used to process information. Most modern phones, computers and games use a touch screen and they are very valuable to many sectors of the economy. The screen is used to access, control and react to what is displayed.

Television Screen: This is mediums used in transmitting pictures and sounds. They are used for entertainment, educational, enlightenment, information, and advertising purposes.

Projector Screens: These are display devices consisting of a support structure and a surface installed for the purpose of projecting pictures and sounds to an audience. They are usually used in theaters, cinemas, conference rooms, religious centers, and some homes and can either be fixed temporarily or permanently. Depending on the optics and accuracy of the images being projected, a flat or curved screen can be used though flat screens are actually the most common of the two. Varying market needs may require projector screens to be used with digital projectors, slide projectors, movie projectors, overhead projectors with the one behind transmitting and the one in front reflecting the light.

Projectors can be classified according to the method of Installation:

Rigid Wall Mounted: These screens are most appropriate for the applications of images whose geometry require an exact replication. They are usually used in home theaters.

Pull Down Screens: These screens have been made with the ability to be rolled up into their cases when not in use as they are permanently installed on large surfaces.

Fixed Frames: These screens provide the highest image quality by ensuring even distribution of tension on its surface. They are not rolled back into cases.

Electric Screens: These screens can be hung on walls or ceilings or left hanging from ceilings. With the use of a remote control or a switch, these screens can be lowered or raised or by placing an interface on the projector, the screens can be lowered or raised as the projector is switched on and off.

Switchable Screens: These screens can be switched to enable its audience to watch from both sides or from one side only.

Mobile Screens: When it is not possible to get a screen mounted on a wall or a ceiling, this is used by either being pulled up a support structure or pulled down a stand.

Whether a projector screen can be permanently or temporarily installed, has a fixed frame, mounted on the wall or ceiling, placed on a tripod for better placement, outdoor or indoor, rolled up and down in and out of cases, opaque or clear or both, the most vital attribute is to provide the best viewing quality to its audience.



A good projector screen should produce clear and sharp images regardless of size or shape.


A good projector screen should complement the projector’s contrast performance.


The ability of a screen to reflect light goes a long way to indicate its quality.


Accuracy: A high-quality screen is not biased in reflecting colors, meaning it does not have any effect on a projector’s original colors.

Package Quality: The attention attached to and quality of packaging a Projector screen has on delivery goes a long way to ascertain the kind of projector it is.

One would wonder if the quality of a projector screen can be ascertained by its cost. This argument does have a lot of angles attached to it, though a cheap projector screen ought to attract less good quality. However, the cost may not necessarily be about the screens itself but have added overhead costs of advertising, marketing, and distribution attached to it. In addition, the when considering the quality of a screen, its ability to serve for a long period of time should also be a matter of deep thought because will it really be of great profit if it offers high quality but for a shorter period of time than expected? Beyond cost, the major qualities to be considered when purchasing a projector screen should be its ability to deliver on the afore-A mentioned qualities of a good Projector Screen. The rest may depend entirely on the buyer’s ability to use and maintain appropriately.

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