Create a virtual reality world Application of holographic projection technology

by:XY Screens     2021-09-07
Have you experienced the dual realm of the virtual world and the real world? Some people may say that it is impossible. But now, you can put all this behind and let a brand new technology help you break the barrier between the virtual world and the real world. Recently, the emergence of a brand-new projection technology-holographic projection technology allows people to break this barrier and experience an unprecedented visual impact pleasure. This is a high-end hotel in the UK that uses holographic projection technology to guide the occupants to the designated room. The vivid space imaging of the characters on the screen is bright, the contrast and clarity are very high, and the sense of space and perspective is very strong. This technology uses sci-fi-like effects to create a dual world of virtual and reality. In fact, holographic projection technology is a high-tech technology that has emerged in recent years. It uses the principles of interference and diffraction to record and reproduce real three-dimensional images of objects. It is changing people's aesthetic attitudes towards those traditional acoustic and optoelectronic technologies with a brand-new thing. This kind of holographic projection technology comes from the times and is widely used in all aspects of society. (Holographic projection technology is used in high-end hotels to guide the occupants) Product launch conference: New product launch conferences need something different, so the new projection technology is very suitable for new product launch conferences. For example, this time the holographic projection technology provided by Shouhu Image Technology for the recent Intel 2010 new core launch conference, and the lightning special effects specially produced by Shouhu Image Technology for this new product launch event were projected onto the holographic projection film to the audience. The feeling of thunderbolt in the clear sky, the real and novel look and feel, made the attendees clap their hands and admired them, pushing the application of holographic projection technology to the extreme. (The holographic projection technology is applied to the stage in the Disel fashion show T stage) New trend of stage design: The application of holographic projection technology in stage design can not only produce a three-dimensional aerial phantom, but also make the phantom interact with the performer and complete the performance together , Producing shocking performance effects. From the use of holographic projection technology in the Disel fashion show T-stage show, the beautiful holographic projection screen accompanied the model's walk to take the audience to another world, as if it made the audience experience a dual world of virtual and reality. Then to the use of holographic projection technology in the Dream Theater 'Animation Master Norman(Holographic projection technology is used in Dream Theater 'Animation Master Norman') Service and sales industry: The service and sales industry is most in need of the masses, and it is king to attract consumers to the maximum. The application of holographic projection technology in this regard has gathered people's attention with a new perspective and aroused consumers' desire for consumption. (Holographic projection is used in the service and sales industry) Tourism and religion: You may feel too far away. Take a look at the largest domestic holographic projection product provided by Shouhu Image, which is made in full proportion to a real person, and can be According to the needs of customers, the larger size is more dazzling. (The largest domestic holographic projection system produced by Shouhu Image) Exhibition industry: The ultimate goal of the exhibition industry is how to sell products, and how to attract the attention of exhibitors to the maximum has become the magic weapon of this industry. . Recently, Shuhu Image Technology has launched a real-time 360-degree phantom imaging system for the exhibition and display industry, which suspends the three-dimensional image in the mid-air imaging of the real scene, creating an atmosphere of illusion and reality, with peculiar effects and full sense of technology. It opened up a new marketing direction for the exhibition industry. (Shuhu image 360-degree phantom imaging system is used in exhibition personality display) Holographic projection technology breaks through the traditional limitations of sound, light, and electricity, bringing beautiful pictures to the audience, giving people a dual coexistence of virtual and reality The world feels. Undoubtedly, the market development potential of holographic projection technology in the future will be immeasurable.
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