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Does large projector screen have warranty period?
If you buy our large projector screen, you also get warranty service, within a certain period. Different products come with different warranties. You can check it on the “Product” page on our website, or you could consult us. The warranty covers any defective parts due to poor workmanship or a manufacturer error. Within the warranty period, we offer return, replace, and repair services. Once the warranty expires, you have an option of taking on an extended warranty. It charges a certain amount of money, but affordable and worthy.
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XY Screens ​​is the first brand of Chinese exported Commercial Fixed Frame Projector Screens. Various in styles, Guangzhou Xiong-Yun Audio-visual Equipment Co., Ltd.'s Projector Brackets can meet the needs of different customers. XY Screens movie projector price has been evaluated in many aspects. These aspects include structural safety testing, abrasion resistance testing, slip resistance testing and biomechanical comfort testing. Well known for remarkable performance and longevity, Xiongyun Projector Screens have placed a strong pillar in the market. With advanced technology, perfect quality, and first-class service, XY screen has won unanimous praise from customers at home and abroad. Since its founding, we have evolved as a prominent Manufacturer and Supplier of a highly durable range of projector screen, projector brackets and motorized projector lift, etc.
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Pull up projector screen 16 9 is an internal driving force that boosts XY screen’s ability to enhance its competitiveness. Contact!

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