HD home projection screen
by:XY Screens
Factory direct high-definition home projection screen glass bead screen: gain 2.8 times, effective scattering angle of view>30, not cleanable, suitable for low brightness projector gray bead screen: gain>0.9 times, effective scattering angle of view>160, not cleanable, suitable for Home theater, suitable for high-brightness projector gray plastic screen: gain>0.9 times, effective scattering viewing angle>160, washable, suitable for home theater, suitable for high-brightness projector white plastic screen: gain>0.9 times, effective Scattering viewing angle>100 can be cleaned, suitable for home theater, suitable for high-brightness projector metal screen: gain 3 times, effective scattering viewing angle>50, cleanable, suitable for home theater, suitable for low-brightness projector working temperature: 10-85℃ Working humidity: 10-90% Diagonal length: 250 inches Width (MM): 5080 Height (MM): 3810 Diagonal length: 300 inches Width (MM): 6100 Height (MM): 4580
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