High-end engineering projection market structure is stable and innovative technologies are the mainstay

by:XY Screens     2021-08-11
In fact, the competition in the engineering market in 2012 has become very fierce. As business and education profits are getting thinner and the home computer market has not shown any improvement, projection manufacturers such as Optoma, Vivitek, ASK, etc. In the engineering market, trying to get a share of the pie, after all, the engineering market is the most profitable segment of the entire projection market. Large-scale projects are still the 'three worlds'. In fact, the engineering market is divided into two parts, high-end and low-end. The high-end market is dominated by the three giants of Christie, Belgium, and NEC of Japan. Due to many regulatory reasons, Texas Instruments, the upstream supplier of DLP projectors, only sells 0.98-inch and 1.2-inch chips in 2K, and 4k 1.38-inch chips are supplied to the three listed manufacturers, so the high-end engineering market will not change much in 2013. Some large projects, such as the World Expo and other large-scale events, still can only 'choose one of threeThe manufacturer has not changed, but the technology is still worth looking forward to. Previously, high-end engineering projectors that used xenon lamps had a maximum brightness of more than 30,000 lumens, and due to high temperature and other reasons, the service life generally did not exceed two hours. In 2012, the above three manufacturers Launched its own laser light source + 4K resolution projector, the brightness even reached 72,000 lumens, so the emergence of laser 4K projectors is inevitable in future super large projects. Strictly speaking, digital cinema projectors are not actually considered as engineering markets, but since they are all large-scale projects, we can put them here. As TI introduced the latest S2K new product, which is a more compact and easy-to-use 2K resolution DMD chip, the above three manufacturers have also launched their own S2K models, so 2013 will be the promotion year of S2K digital cinema projectors. The low-end engineering market, which is between 5,000 lumens and 15,000 lumens, will compete fiercely in 2013. Because Christie, Barco, and NEC have no strong involvement in the low-end engineering market, other projector manufacturers The competition began. Due to the serious homogeneity of projectors, the winner of the competition is not the performance of the machine, but the comprehensive service capabilities of the projector manufacturer, including a series of services such as program planning, machine debugging, and after-sales. Of course, innovative technology will still be an important factor in gaining market opportunities. Therefore, for manufacturers vying for the low-end engineering market, 2013 will be a year of continuous improvement of their comprehensive capabilities and innovation capabilities, as well as a year of further adjustment of channels.
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