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How long is delivery time of projection screen manufacturer ?
Shipping time varies with project. Please contact us to determine how we could help you meet your desired delivery schedule. Guangzhou Xiong-Yun Audio-visual Equipment Co., Ltd. is able to provide better lead times than other producers since we utilize a proprietary means of maintaining proper levels of inventory raw material. To provide our customers with the best possible service, we've optimized and enhanced our inner procedures and technology in ways that enable us to fabricate and send projection screen much faster.

In order to offer not only the highest projection screen manufacturer in China but also the most professional projection screen manufacturer in China , XY Screens employs staff who are in high demand. The tabletop projector screens series has become a hot product of XY screen. We have conducted various stringent tests to make sure the product is defect-free and meets the high quality standard. Our complete screen range is offered in numerous sizes and dimensions. XY screen ensures that it brings added value to customers and inspires customers to grow. The surface of a dedicated screen is formulated to reflect light back to you.

Striving for the realizing the great works of large projector screen is our ultimate goal. Inquire now!
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