how movie screens work

by:XY Screens     2020-02-26
If you go to the cinema to watch a movie, it is likely that it will be projected onto the screen.
The film screen is usually made of heavy white vinyl material and classified according to the amount of light it reflects.
There are four main categories: Pearl is probably the most common choice for a typical cinema.
To make a pearl or silver screen, a reflective coating was added to the matte white vinyl.
The Glass Bead screen actually has thousands of tiny glass marbles embedded in a transparent coating on the surface of the screen.
The film screen is designed not only to show a wonderful picture, but also to support the theater sound system.
Most movie screens have tiny piercings so that the audience can hear the speakers placed behind the screen.
In a typical theater, you will find three speakers at the back of the screen, located on the far left, middle and far right.
This makes the sound seem more realistic, especially when someone is talking.
The audio is delivered through the appropriate speaker so that the sound appears to come from someone or thing that speaks or makes noise.
This makes the film experience more immersive.
In addition to the reflection factor, the theater owner must also select the curve of the screen.
The three options are: a flat panel is like this, a screen with no curves at all. Horizontal-
The curve screen is slightly curved towards the audience at each end.
This bending is done to avoid the needle pad effect, especially in the auditorium not far from the projector to the screen.
Pincushioning describes the distortion of the image on the screen by the change of the light distance projector.
On the flat screen, the light emitted by the projector reaches the middle of the screen at a shorter distance than the distance to reach the edge of the screen.
Since the size of the projected image is determined by the distance to the screen, this makes the image look slightly larger at each end.
The chart below shows the concept: by bending the end of the screen to the projector, the propagation distance of the light can be balanced.
The Torex screen takes this idea to the next step.
They bend not only at each end, but also at the top and bottom of the screen to form a concave surface.
On the torex screen, the light of the projector should reach all parts of the screen at the same time.
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