how this former mit professor and google engineer used holograms to build a $28 million startup-XY S

how this former mit professor and google engineer used holograms to build a $28 million startup

by:XY Screens     2020-02-15
The shiny red laser pointer gives birth to chicken bones that don\'t look like breakthrough science, but senior tech expert at marylau Jepsen, who recently launched a $28 million funding, Openwater.
Jepson performed the act of chicken in a TED talk on August to illustrate her Imaging --
Technology companies are building costsconscious body-
Scan the technology by using the same components that may be found at the science fair.
The light from the laser indicator gives light to the skin and bones of the pulled poultry, revealing the tumor under the meat.
This simple demonstration shows the science behind the goal Openwater is trying to achieve;
Wearable diagnostics are made of consumer electronics with a resolution of more than millions-
The $ MRI machine, but the cost is as high as the smartphone.
Just as the chicken\'s tumor blocks the laser pointer that shines on the chicken meat, openwater\'s wearable device will capture the image by recording the light particles and the negative space they cannot scatter. X-
Radiation is used by rays, and magnetic fields and radio waves are used by MRI machines because they can pass through the human body and produce images.
But so is \"red light, infrared light\", Jepsen told Forbes.
\"Guess which one is much cheaper?
\"This is a method similar to holographic photography, which uses cameras and display chips that are readily available in smartphones.
This is also an idea that Jepsen\'s skills need to be considered, perhaps with her impressive resume convincing investors to buy.
The serial founder led the display division of Intel and semi-Intel.
After Facebook acquired VR headset in 2014, the secret research team Google X and helped develop Oculus.
But Openwater started with the expected message that Princess Leia sent to Obi-Wan Kenobi, when Jepson\'s goal was to make a holographic like she first saw in Star Wars
Attracted by laser and optical illusions, Jepsen, an engineering undergraduate at Brown University, produced her first holographic photo.
Later, she used her growing skills to develop computer display screens and virtual reality glasses at the world\'s top technology companies.
At that time, however, no bills were paid for holographic photography.
Because holographic photography is considered a boring \"technology\" looking for applications, no one will fund it, Jepsen said.
\"I\'m just trying to support my habits.
\"I \'ve basically been living for $12,000 a year, just because I think I\'ll die if I can\'t make a holographic photo,\" Jepsen said . \".
Her quest for holographic photography allowed her to travel to Melbourne, Australia, where she served as a professor of computer science at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and helped place holographic photography on paper money in the country.
In Cologne, Germany, she built some of the world\'s largest holographic displays, including a historic building projected across the city\'s neighborhoods.
Still, she felt that her work was not taken seriously, so Jepson thought she needed a PhD. D.
Click here to fully report the top 50 women in American Science and Technology.
Jason had a headache while studying for a PhD at Brown University.
When she was a child, she was often hospitalized for blood diseases that doctors could not diagnose.
Now that the hospital is back, the doctor is unable to determine the cause of her weak pain.
At the age of 30, Jason was ready to give up.
If it weren\'t for a professor who paid for expensive MRI, she would do so.
In fact, it is a brain tumor.
After the surgery, she started a medication regimen that she had to take for life to prevent recurrence of the tumor and she completed her Ph. D.
And started her first company together.
Jepsen worked as micro\'s MicroDisplay to make tiny silicon chips with liquid crystals for the first commercial projector in the market.
The same technology is now on VR and AR displays, Jepsen said.
This early effort continued until she joined Intel.
On-site display division 2004.
After the department was closed, she returned to the MIT Media Lab as a professor.
At MIT, the idea of providing affordable technology for all is supported.
There, she and Nicholas negoput, co-founder of the MIT Media Lab, launched a laptop for each child.
The business model has been developed by negompert, which sells these laptops in large quantities to strengthen education while Jepson makes these machines.
\"At that time, the laptop was worth $2,000, and there was another $2,000 worth of software,\" Jepsen said . \".
\"They don\'t need to be more expensive.
The company wants to sell something at that price.
This led to Pixel Qi, Jepsen\'s second startup in Taiwan.
Low-cost manufacturers
Power Display for laptops and tablets.
\"I just want to help enable (low-
Electric display)
But then the economic crisis broke out, \"said Jepson.
\"It was really bad because I woke up most of the time and I gave up being a professor at MIT.
Pixel Qi is unable to keep pace with consumer electronics giants such as Apple.
However, in 2012, just as Jepson\'s second company failed, she met Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, who asked her to join Team X.
By 2014, her career was back on track, but when she moved to Facebook in 2015, she found AR and VR spaces too crowded to be comfortable.
At that time, her consumer technology manufacturing company, holograms, knew --
How her rich experience in the medical industry is combined.
Now the Jepsen and Openwater teams are working to change the technology used to diagnose many cancers and other diseases, \"there has been little improvement in medical imaging in the last 30 years, noted Jepsen.
The MRI machine is expensive. And big.
\"You\'re really lying in two. ton magnet.
Build a better mousetrap
Or a medical imaging machine.
This is the dilemma of classic innovators, she says.
\"I know a lot about the consumer electronics supply chain because I live and breathe it and ship billions of dollars of products.
Jepsen has been using her knowledge of the consumer electronics manufacturing infrastructure she developed while running Pixel Qi to develop Openwater.
Her ultimate goal is to use parts in the supply chain, such as infrared lasers, cameras and display chips, to make medical imaging cheaper and more affordable, which can be found on devices such as smartphones and laptops
\"The biggest idea is that health care is too expensive.
People are dying.
How do we use the consumer electronics manufacturing infrastructure? ” Jepsen says.
\"The healthcare industry ignores this infrastructure because they actually don\'t know much about consumer electronics.
The prototype is still large with an LCD screen for lighting and camera chips.
But in the long run, Jason is in it.
\"I have been knocked down many times.
\"It\'s bad when someone gets your project and starts using it, that\'s what you started,\" Jepsen said . \".
\"The problem, in fact, is that you think something bigger and bolder will happen next. . . .
You can come up with some new ways.
\"Correction: A previous version of the story said that MicroDisplay, the first company of Mary Lou Jepson, was shut down a year later.
In fact, the company has been in business for 10 years.
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