How to design the stage full-color LED large screen to complement the lighting stage_Full-color LED large screen manufacturer Huaze Optoelectronics

by:XY Screens     2021-08-21
Full-color LED large screens are increasingly used in large-scale events in TV studios and TV broadcasts. As a stage background, full-color LED displays provide a variety of vivid and dazzling background images and more interactive functions. The background screen is also moving and quiet, so that the performance and the background are integrated, giving people an immersive feeling. The large full-color LED screen brings greater reverie space to the stage beauty, designing a modern and visually impactful stage, perfectly blending the atmosphere of the scene and the show, and realizing the functions and effects that other stage art equipment cannot achieve. However, the large-scale application of full-color LED large screens also has some adverse effects on the artistic creation of stage lighting. This time the editor summarized these adverse effects, and proposed how to rationally use the large LED screen to make the light and the large LED screen work well together and complement each other. The adverse effect of the full-color LED large screen on the stage lighting (1) Since almost all corners including the ground are covered with large LED screens, it is like a enclosed square box. Although the picture is beautiful, it is easy to give the audience a kind of experience. The feeling of 'full' and 'blocked'; (2) The pattern of the full-color LED large screen often conflicts with the beam, pattern, and color of the computer light. According to the current practice of CCTV, it is basically the sacrifice of lighting Its own effect guarantees the LED picture; (3) The large full-color LED screen has high brightness (although it can be adjusted) and high color temperature. This makes the characters' facial illuminance not enough, the complexion gray, and the picture is not transparent; (4) The high brightness and rich colors of the large full-color LED screen make the light source and color light on the stage too much, which will inevitably increase the control of the lighting engineer. The difficulty of light. Solution: First, change the lighting design concept. Before the large-scale emergence of self-luminous elements such as large LED screens, the brightness and darkness of the scene on the stage and the overall light effect of the screen were controlled by lighting designers. When a large number of self-luminous elements enter the camera's composition, the design concept of TV lighting has gradually shifted from lighting design for dark environments to the balance of light effects for bright scenes, that is, balancing the illuminance and color temperature of the light source of the lamp and the large screen, and balancing the main character Brightness and color with glowing background. In the production of traditional TV lighting, it reflects the contrast relationship of object brightness. The camera restores the brightness of the object being photographed. If the illumination and contrast meet the requirements, the level, tone, and clarity of the picture can achieve satisfactory results. After the large LED screen is used as the main background in the TV variety show, the lighting engineer must take its self-luminous characteristics into account when designing it, and treat it as a large LED lamp. Because of the difference in video content display, its brightness , The color also has different changes. Under the premise of not affecting the stage effect and ensuring the basic illuminance, the lighting layout should be adjusted continuously. The actor and the LED large screen balance the brightness to master the overall color change of the stage; make the color temperature tone and content of the party lighting harmonious and unified, so that the large LED screen is fully integrated into the TV stage and integrated with the TV lighting, so that the TV picture can be real Natural color reproduction. Secondly, it is necessary to adjust the light ratio, aperture, color temperature, and the application of the video LED large screen will have an impact on the basic illumination of the stage, the level of character modeling and color reproduction. After the large LED screen is used in the TV variety show, its own luminous brightness affects the effect of TV recording to a certain extent: when the illumination of the performance area is constant, if the brightness of the large screen is too high, the face of the actor will be dark; the brightness of the large screen If it is too low, the audience will not be able to see the content clearly. Lighting design needs to balance the brightness of the main character and the illuminated large screen. Because the presentation of the TV screen and the clarity of the image do not depend on how bright the entire screen is and the use of a large amount of lighting, the key lies in the use of appropriate light and dark contrast and corresponding light properties. The light illuminance of a good TV picture is not necessarily very high, but lies in the proportion of light used appropriately. We all have this experience: when recording a TV show, the director often feels that the picture is 'not bright enough' and asks to increase the illuminance of the light, but often the brightness is increased, and the brightness of the large screen behind the background is also higher, in the middle and close shots The large led screen will be brighter than the human face, causing the human face to be dim. The level of the character picture is not prominent, and the quality of the picture cannot be improved. Because of the use of large-scale LED screens, the brightness produced will directly affect the stage lighting. At the beginning of the lighting design, we can first consider the large LED screen as a part of the stage lighting. Measure the average brightness of all broadcast materials, edit and adjust the video screen brightness and color of the broadcast materials in advance, and adjust the brightness appropriately according to the background material and lighting design requirements of the actual program without affecting the overall large-screen effect. , And calculate the amount of light into the basic illuminance of the light, and consider the large-screen playback material content as a part of the lighting design, which can also minimize the impact of the stage full-color LED large screen on the lighting and camera aperture control.
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