how to make silhouettes using an overhead projector-XY Screens-img

how to make silhouettes using an overhead projector

by:XY Screens     2019-11-10
Silhouette is a traditional souvenir that combines art with nostalgia.
Many parents make their children immortal in these simple and elegant treasures.
Silhouette artists are still in demand, but their meetings can be expensive.
Save time and money by creating your own contours using projectors and some basic art supplies.
Hang the drawing on a flat surface, such as on a wall or blackboard.
When you hang it, let the theme sit in front of the paper so that it is at the right height.
Dim the room as much as possible.
Turn on the projector and adjust its focus and height until the light is in the center of the drawing sheet.
Let the subjects sit on the bar stool and turn to the side.
Leave space between the main body and the wall so you can see his shadow on paper.
Trace the outline of the subject\'s shadow with a pencil.
Include as many details of the shadow as possible.
Turn off the projector and take the paper down.
Clear any stray pencil marks and cut around the contours you trace.
Install the silhouette on the poster board using glue or other adhesive.
Display as needed.
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