On Tuesday, December 11, 2012, I received a call from Mr. M. Gupta, an Indian company, and will visit the company two days later. As the chairman of the company, Mr. M. Gupta will stay in Shenzhen for two days. The first stop is the company. At 10 o'clock in the morning on December 13, Mr. M. Gupta arrived at the company in a car arranged by the hotel. The main topic of this visit was 3D products. Received by overseas. The negotiation between the host and the guest proceeded in an orderly manner in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Finally, the customer Mr. M. Gupta revealed that their company has been established for 15 years and is a listed company, hoping to establish a long-term partnership with us. We also expressed that we are honored to meet him. When we asked him the secret of the company's success, his answer was: as long as you believe it, you will do it. 'If you believe you can, so you can do it'! Two hours later, the customer returned happily.