lcd projectors - advantages and disadvantages

by:XY Screens     2019-11-06
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There are two main competitive technologies for digital projectors: LCD and DLP.
The LCD projector transmits light through three color panels, and the DLP projector reflects light from the image chip.
These technologies are fundamentally different, but their results are surprisingly similar.
It\'s hard to say that one technology is better than the other in all cases.
This is for those who consider buying an LCD projector to understand the pros and cons of the LCD projector.
It is mainly to help you understand the differences between the two technologies in a deeper way.
There is also an article on the advantages and disadvantages of DLP.
The advantages of the LCD projector works in a way that allows light to pass through three color LCD screens.
These panels block certain colors and allow other colors to pass through so that the image appears on the screen.
This is different from DLP technology, which reflects the light of the mirror panel through the color wheel.
Many LCD projectors will say they are 3 LCD machines.
The fact is that all LCD projectors use three panels.
The biggest advantage of LCD over DLP is the price difference.
LCD provides higher lumen output (
Amount of light brightness)
Lower than DLP.
LCD projectors can achieve greater brightness with lower energy consumption.
When considering the cost of power and lamp replacement, the cost difference between LCD and DLP is greater.
Historically, the DLP projector provides a higher contrast on the LCD.
But the difference between LCD projectors today is emerging.
At the moment, there is not much difference in what they can achieve, but the LCD will exceed DLP.
However, there is a price for this higher contrast.
While LCD can go beyond DLP, projectors that do better in contrast lose the advantage of being more cost-effective.
Low-cost projectors still have a contrast advantage that benefits DLP.
The LCD projector used in the home theater is similar to the contrast of the DLP projector.
There are two possible artifact issues with DLP projectors: jitter and rainbow effects.
These don\'t always happen, but they are possible.
There are no these problems with LCD projectors.
When viewed side by side, the LCD projected image will look more stable than the DLP image.
LCD projectors are known for their image clarity.
This is not to say that the DLP image is blurry, but the LCD is clearer.
In the past, this was actually a problem with the LCD projector.
It is called the screen door effect, producing such a clear image that a single pixel can be seen.
Due to today\'s advanced resolution and the quality of the LCD projector, the pixels are very small, and even if the screen door effect still exists, it is difficult to notice it.
Larger zoom amplification can be achieved using an LCD projector.
Combine a good zoom with the LCD projector\'s ability to adjust the image number to an odd cast angle, and can install the LCD projector in more places.
DLP projectors need to be aligned directly with the screen and will not be further than their meager zoom capabilities.
The LCD projector is more flexible due to its installation options.
Disadvantages of the LCD projector uses three light passing panels to create images.
Basically, the images are stacked against each other on the screen.
Because there are three panels, it is possible for one panel to deviate from alignment.
This will cause one of the three stacked images to move slightly;
This is the so-called convergence.
If it\'s the smallest, then
The screen image will be slightly blurred or defocus will occur.
One of the panels may not be aligned enough to cause all colors to turn off and the image to have a ghosting.
When one of the colors is inconsistent with the others, it looks like a Sunday comic.
How long the life of the LCD panel is unknown.
As the panel is subjected to harsh light and heat, the organic LCD color panel breaks down over time.
The big question is, how long does it take for someone who the LCD projector manufacturer might know about this?
Texas Instruments (
Owner of DLP technology)
Indicates that degradation occurred in less than 4,000 hours.
Life of a single projector lamp.
This problem causes the color and brightness to drop.
This is suspected to be just a problem with organic LCD displays.
Inorganic Optical panels may not break down that much over time, but the data will not be published if anyone knows.
The lamp engine of the LCD projector is not sealed.
This allows for the possible introduction of dust particles.
The way to prevent this from happening is that there is a filter on the air of the LCD projectorintake vents.
These filters need to be cleaned regularly, resulting in more frequent maintenance of LCD projectors.
Professional cleaning of the projector is required to create dust spots.
A bigger problem when the vent is not cleaned is that the projector is more prone to overheating, causing damage to the projector itself, or shortening the life of the projector lamp.
LCD projector
Up, the DLP Projector model is about 50% more than the LCD projector on the market.
However, due to the popularity of LCD projectors, it is estimated that about 50% of the projector mounting bases are LCD varieties.
This may be due only to their relative price differences.
Alternatively, the LCD projector is very flexible and suitable for more environments.
The main benefit of this is that both technologies are good.
Both are better than a few years ago.
This is a problem of finding out the consumer\'s needs and buying projectors that fit those particular needs.
There is no single answer to which one is the best overall.
Often, retailers selling projectors have employees on hand who can answer questions and guide buyers to make the right decisions.
Consumers should not hesitate to ask the projector dealer for specific information.
They are usually happy to help.
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