mobile phones and mini projectors-XY Screens-img

mobile phones and mini projectors

by:XY Screens     2019-11-22
We all know the really amazing features of the micro projector, but do you know that the micro projector can also be used for mobile phones?
Not long ago, the projector was very large. the photos taken by these people were granular.
Even so, just as the first huge computer paved the way for the modern computer we see today, the projector and its size features have changed incredibly.
What do we see now?
Over time, the technology has improved and the size has become smaller.
Well, there are not many kinds of mini projectors.
These days began with a large box;
It can also be placed in the palm of your hand.
Right, you can infer that you really don\'t need these projectors now when you can watch movies on your smartphone or tablet.
Laptops like Apple\'s MacBook Air also offer an amazing movie experience.
However, there are many additional circumstances to consider.
Why don\'t we do this?
When we consider the smallest gadgets we use almost every day, we feel our smartphones.
These days, not only do some phones have a lot of apps, but they also have high-end quality things with mini projectorsbuilt.
Yes, it would be right for a person to hear this!
You\'ll find in-
Built-in mini projector in your current smartphone.
Still, Apple and Samsung haven\'t tried the mini projector a lot in their smartphones yet.
The idea of putting them in the phone is really a big perception.
Earlier, many of us used to only talk to someone, even send communications, or play games.
Still, many of us are using mobile phones today.
Whether it\'s playing games, watching movies, or listening to melodious audio, you can do almost anything with your smartphone.
Yes, it is possible to click on photos, share them, make sales ads, watch video tutorials, and complete many other projects.
You may ask why it is wise to have a mini projector in your phone.
The answer is simple.
Let\'s say you need a meeting.
In order to do a powerful demo, you may have to carry the projector with you.
As an alternative, if you have a good
Build a mini projector with your smartphone and you can carry your presentation with you in your phone.
In other words, this is indeed an efficient copy if your laptop battery is dead.
Your phone is also better.
In addition to carrying a new bulky mobile computer, will it not only become more convenient to carry a mobile phone?
Well, anyone will agree.
The upside is that the mini projector offers many other positive aspects.
Let\'s say you clicked on a few great photos.
Well, there\'s nothing better than looking at the picture on the enlarged display.
Installing a projector inside your phone can make it easy for you to discuss these incredible moments in an amazing way using family and friends. That\'s not all.
Video clips can also be shared with images.
You can get your heart in touch with the moment or play over and over again.
Your sense of satisfaction in observing it on a huge display is almost completely different from the idea of watching it on a phone screen.
Due to the number of bonus mini projectors, it\'s not surprising when we see them being used more for mobile phones.
The only real concern is that the mini projector adds to the size of the smartphone.
Still, we will surround it.
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