Newsletter: Indian customers visit

by:XY Screens     2021-08-23
Newsletter: Indian customer visit time: 2014.12.05 Finishing: Jin Xumin December 05, 2014, a sunny winter day. Indian customers visited the company's Shenzhen headquarters. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the corporate culture and the products under the brand, in this special winter, I worked hard and braved the severe cold to travel from another ancient civilization country --- India to another ancient civilization country --- China. The company is their most important stop in the short encounter. Ben, Mina, and Eva's colleagues from Overseas Department cordially received Indian customers. It was especially emphasized that Mr. Zhang rushed back to the company in his busy schedule. For this face-to-face with customers. The negotiation was relaxed and happy. From one exhibition hall to another, from one workshop to another, from inside to outside the factory, the customer had a deep understanding of several products under the brand and about the corporate culture. Especially our conventional products, in addition, five major series of products; dome system, giant screen system, home theater system, digital theater system, rear projection theater and 3D system, etc., are also very interested. The customer put forward market suggestions and opinions on the company's products and prices. We deeply know that this is the direction of our improvement and the shortcomings in our work. It is precisely because of the trust of customers and the sincerity of customers that we can hear the most sincere market voices and make the most suitable for market needs. We will also use the most humble attitude and strictest requirements to improve the products to adapt to the development of the enterprise. Thank you, whose English is not very easy to understand, has come to express my gratitude for our service countless times, and people also express their gratitude for his visit. Finally, for our friends who came from afar, I gave an exquisite gift: a backpack. May this warm affection warm the winter, and Tianzhu will fragrant. On the basis of trust and understanding, two companies from two ancient civilizations of the world will surely bear fruit in the long-term cooperation in the future. Shenzhen Projection Display Technology Co., Ltd.
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