Small-pitch LED display breaks the traditional LED screen and becomes popular

by:XY Screens     2021-09-12
LED display screens can be said to be a very common display product in our lives. From outdoor advertising screens to conference video display terminals, LED displays have penetrated into all aspects of our lives. Looking back at the development of the LED display industry, it is not difficult to find that the LED display industry has poured in a lot of fresh blood, such as the rapid development of small-pitch LEDs, the explosion of small-pitch LED markets, and the hot downstream market demand for small-pitch LEDs. At this stage, the small-pitch LED display has become a star product that everyone is vying for. The pursuit of high-density display has never stopped, which is also an affirmation of technological progress. However, under high attention, its advantages are obvious, and its shortcomings will be fully revealed. In order to cope with the increasing competition for survival, LED screen companies need to transform from OEM manufacturers to the role of overall solution providers, from product quality to distribution channel expansion, after-sales service, brand marketing, and cost-effectiveness.  At the marketing level, we often talk about a concept that is user experience. How to better improve user experience and how to better meet customer needs are aspects that LED display companies should pay more attention to. So how to better meet customer needs? First of all, we must start from the product level, because a good product can speak for itself. Standard resolution Recently, a problem with LED displays being criticized is that their splicing units are mostly made with a 1:1 aspect ratio. When used to splice and display video walls of mainstream 16:9 signal sources, there are specifications that are not equal. trouble. On the other hand, in the field of large screens, DLP splicing, LCD splicing and other technologies can achieve 16:9 ratio splicing units, which has become a flaw in LED screens. 16:9 is an internationally recognized standard for UI and high-definition video. It is called the standard resolution, which meets the requirements of human eye comfort. This makes current display devices more of this ratio, including the images displayed on the LED display. This 'golden ratio' equipment is collected and produced.   1:1 unit cannot achieve point-to-point matching with 16:9 signal source, which causes problems for the installation and use of LED video walls and image effects. Based on this problem, LED screen companies have carried out corresponding research and development.   In addition to the reduction of the pixel pitch, how to effectively improve the usability of the product and enhance the user experience has become a very important research and development idea. To achieve standard resolution, the application flexibility of small-pitch LEDs has been improved, thus providing users with more diversified choices.  Front maintenance   Maintenance is already a common design in the field of LED display. The convenience of installation and maintenance brought by the front maintenance can greatly enhance the user's application experience, which is also an aspect of product differentiation advantages. However, the small-pitch LED screen, as a low-thickness high-density display, is difficult to dissipate heat. According to the traditional LED screen, the module can only be removed from the front, and the inconvenient disassembly and assembly of the power supply and control card will cause users to use it difficultly. For this reason, in 2015, many companies strengthened the application of front maintenance design on small-pitch LED displays. Front maintenance small spacing became one of the most popular product categories in the industry in 2015. The common point of this type of products is that it breaks the traditional LED screen power supply and control card inconvenient front disassembly defect, realizes the comprehensive and real front maintenance of the module, power supply, and control card, which effectively saves installation space and can be wall-mounted. It meets the complex installation and use requirements such as the post-maintenance environment such as window display and the wall-mounted installation of shopping malls can only be pre-maintenance. And it effectively simplifies the installation and maintenance of the screen body, which helps to save the space usage cost and screen body maintenance cost for users, and is welcomed by users.   At present, in the indoor fixed installation of small-pitch LED screens, competition is fierce, and product homogeneity is serious. Manufacturers are focusing on how to meet the actual needs of users and create superior products as their research and development focus. The introduction of the concept of front maintenance is an example. It is believed that there will be many similar product innovations that are truly close to user needs in the future.
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