'Spring Festival Gala' has news!

by:XY Screens     2021-09-29
A few days ago, the director of the Spring Festival Gala for the Year of the Goat has been selected, and Havin, who has directed the Spring Festival Gala twice, has taken over again. Last year, Tang Hao, the director of the language program of the Spring Festival Gala, once again assumed the position. Tencent Entertainment called the Kazakh staff as soon as they learned of the news, but as of press time, the other party has not yet responded. The reporter also learned from two other people in the circle that he had indeed heard the news that Havin would be the director of the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Goat. On the 16th of this month, the New Year of the Goat Spring Festival Gala team will appear at the advertising bidding meeting. The two-time experience of directing the Spring Festival Gala is only 4 months away from the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Goat. In previous years, the director candidate has been determined at this time, but this year has not been announced. CCTV explained that the New Year’s Eve of the Year of the Goat is late. It was previously reported that the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Goat may be co-directed by two young directors, Lu Yitao and Tang Hao. Lu Yitao has served as the executive director of the Spring Festival Gala for three years, and Tang Hao has served as the director of language programs for the Spring Festival Gala of the Horse. Recently, it has been revealed that Lang Kun, who has served as the director of the Spring Festival Gala and the current director of CCTV's opera music department, may also be on the job again. However, both news have been denied by CCTV. According to the analysis of people familiar with the situation, because there are only 4 months left before the Spring Festival Gala for the Year of the Goat, it will be too late to hand over the responsibility of the Spring Festival Gala to a foreign director at this time. Super high attention, but the final effect was quite disappointing. Therefore, this year's Spring Festival Gala is also particularly stressed. Although the rumors about Lu Yitao and Tang Hao were flourishing in the past, the two of them are still relatively junior, and their experience in directing the Spring Festival Gala is not rich enough. In contrast, Ha Wen has directed the CCTV Spring Festival Gala twice, with rich experience and new products every year. , Both the ratings and word-of-mouth of the Spring Festival Gala in which he served as the general director of the Spring Festival Gala have soared, and if the word-of-mouth of the Spring Festival Gala wants to regain a city, the safest way is to ask Hawen to continue to come out. The reporter then called Tang Hao. The other party answered the call and said that he had not been notified, but he did not deny the news. Zhou Tao may come out to preside. According to the practice of recent years, CCTV will introduce the Spring Festival Gala team next year in the annual advertising resource bidding. If nothing else, at the CCTV Advertising Resource Promotion Conference held in Beijing on the 16th of this month, the main creative team of the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Goat will be Lift the veil, by then, Havin and his team will appear in front of the public. Another problem facing the Spring Festival Gala team at present is Li Yong’s 'single flightAt present, Zhou Tao has returned to host the ongoing cross talk contest. According to people familiar with the matter, Zhou Tao, who has been promoted, has returned because the CCTV variety show host caused a 'popular shortage'. At this pace, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is very likely to invite this experienced person. The veteran who has the popularity of the audience comes out.
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