students learn to take their tablets

by:XY Screens     2020-02-12
The 53 students who participated in the new pharmacy degree program at RMIT University this year are pioneers in many ways.
Before starting the course last week, each student was given an Apple iPad as a basic tool in the learning process.
A teacher is even bolder at the University of Adelaide.
The 702 students who signed up for the science course this year received a free ipad.
\"I believe the iPad will revolutionize the way universities teach science,\" said Professor Robert Hill, dean of science executive at Adelaide and founder of the iPad launch.
\"We\'re going to be Australia\'s number one, so this innovative way to teach the University of Science using the ipad to the entire student community --
The first company in the world to offer such a large number of iPads.
\"What RMIT and Adelaide are showing is a symbol of technology changing the university experience.
Tablets, iPads, ipod, iphone, clickers and screenshots are just some of the latest devices to replace whiteboards and projectors of the last century.
Peter Little, head of pharmacy at RMIT, said the ipad will improve students\' learning ability.
\"The iPad is being used by hospitals and health professionals, so for students, having the iPad itself will place medicines and medications --
Specific information is within reach.
However, the specific goal is to improve their learning experience, \"he said.
Professor litter said the university was using the pharmacy as an experiment for ipad before considering whether these devices should be tried more widely.
In December, RMIT also received a $400,000 federal government grant to provide computer laptops to students from low social status.
Economic background this year.
At Swinburne University, Dr. Birgit Loch is deploying new technologies to improve student scores and reduce drop-out rates.
Use a tablet with touch
She is helping to reshape this era --
Old formal lectures with speaking minds and passive students.
\"There is no way to stop the progress of technology in university classrooms,\" said Dr. Loch, senior lecturer in mathematics and head of the math support center.
Swinburne has just opened a $0. 14 billion Advanced Technology Center in the Hawthorn campus.
The university\'s largest investment in 100year history.
Since leaving the University of South Queensland last year and working in Swinburn, Dr. Locke has expanded the use of technology.
The students in her math class were the first to try to click
A small wireless device with numbered buttons that use these buttons when Dr. Loch projects equations on the screen.
Students choose from several potential solutions and click on what they think is the right one.
The software then generates a chart on the screen showing how popular each solution is.
\"Students use clickers to answer questions anonymously so that people who are not very confident can still participate,\" she said . \".
\"Clickers also allows me to measure how many students understand the content, which makes a big difference because it lets me know that I should continue to focus on a particular area, or should we keep an eye on the next topic.
Although clickers facilitate the participation of students, the machine is limited to multiple
Select reaction.
This is the source of the tablet: the computer is similar to the laptop except for the touch function
Sensitive screen, students can write on it with a stylus, finger or pen.
Working in southern Queensland, Dr. Loch found that when a colleague from the School of Accounting, Dr. Peter Phillips, how effective tablets are in changing students\' attitudes and improving their grades, decided to measure their impact.
Dr. Phillips created a collaborative learning approach using tablets in lectures with a group of students.
He compared this to the traditional way of teaching in another class.
He taught a corporate finance course to on.
Students on campus as usual-to-
Distance Education students also use face-to-face teaching methods while reading learning materials online.
The lecture is a typical slide presentation with no recording.
Dr. Phillips then went on with another group-
Students on campus and distance education.
This time, the focus is on building lectures with students, using only the basic framework of PowerPoint slides for structure and writing.
As the lecture progressed, he \"signed\" in the slide with a tablet after receiving a response from the student, so that the lecture would gradually take shape on the projection screen.
A screen shot was made and placed on the course site. The on and off-
Students on campus can then download, watch and listen to lectures.
Dr. Locke said the results were surprising: the test scores of the second group increased by 28 percentage points compared to the first group, while the student retention rate increased by more than 5 percentage points.
It is worth noting that this impact is most evident among students from low-and middle-income social classes
Economic background.
Deputy director of e-commerce at Monash University
Nathan Bailey said on the screen
Employees prefer sensitive tablets to iPads in lectures.
The university now has 1000 of students who lend to employees and students if they want.
\"In order for students to learn from other students, if the students do not study effectively, the teacher will intervene and you need the equipment that allows the lecturer to interact with the students, Mr. Bailey said:\" Ask questions and answer questions, let more discussion happen instead of having the lecturer stand in front of him and talk. \".
Elsewhere, Ballarat University will provide free laptops to up to 170 eligible students in need of financial support this year.
The university has a budget of $23,000 per year for the computer equity program, which is not specific to any program, course or school and will be available to TAFE and higher education students.
Last year, at the Shepparton campus of La Trobe University, 90 graduate students in education received an iPod touch.
Portable media player with wi-
The Fi mobile platform is designed to enhance the distance learning aspect of the course and improve students\' access to online information through podcasts, enabling them to share their own learning.
The Institute of Education is exploring the potential of iPod use in other courses.
At the University of Adelaide, Professor Hill said that the textbooks available to students on the ipad for 22 Bachelor\'s Degree Science courses will be \"more accessible, relevant, and updated more frequently \", provide a flexible learning environment that students are looking \".
He said every one
First-year students, including 71 overseas students, will use the iPad as one of their core learning tools and believe it will profoundly impact their educational experience.
This will also eliminate the large number of books they would have to carry: students will turn to electronic books instead of six heavy scientific books
Books hidden in the ipad
\"Many students, especially those from low social status
\"The economic context, which can\'t afford $1000 to buy five or six science textbooks we set each year, is wrong,\" he said . \".
\"I\'m trying to give everyone an equal opportunity to come to college, a major project to get us out of textbooks as we develop our own materials and put them online.
Professor Hill estimates that the cost of research on the ipad is at least $600,000.
But if the test is successful this year, he plans to continue to provide Apple computers for the future --years.
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