The 2019 company annual meeting was grandly held

by:XY Screens     2021-10-10
On January 2, 2019, the warm atmosphere of the New Year celebration was still permeating the Shenzhen company. Sales elites returning from offices across the country continued to push the festive atmosphere to new heights. Counting the company's annual meeting in 2019, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that the 2019 annual meeting is wonderful, and there are so many remarkable things to mention. The sales elite returned to the headquarters, and the new marketing strategy layout changed: According to the unified deployment of the headquarters, the overseas sales elite team returned to the Shenzhen company on January 2. The year 2019 is determined to be the year of product quality, and the company has also shifted from a period of rapid development to a period of high-quality development. With this goal being determined, the battle for quality branding has begun. The customer service department produced accurate data, and the original intention of quality service remained unchanged: the company not only paid attention to the quality of pre-sale products, but also paid attention to the communication service work with customers during and during sales. The customer service department made management scientific and digital. For 2019, Zhang Yan, the head of the customer service department, is more confident and energetic, and solemnly promises that the quality of service will only get better and better, and customers will be more satisfied. The marketing department's strategy is reshuffled, and the brand goals are directed to the frontier: as a think tank, the marketing department re-formulates development strategies for market development, scientifically and objectively grasps the market, accurately subdivides and evaluates market development trends, and repositions brand development goals. As the brand becomes more and more popular with customers, the market share of the screen continues to increase. Facing the increasingly severe international and domestic markets, the period of rapid development has turned to a period of high-quality development. People have fully experienced their hard power and actively improved the Ru0026D and production environment. While enhancing soft power, increase hardware investment and improve, give full play to the leading and guiding role in the screen industry, and achieve brand internationalization in a planned way. The technology department is positioned at the high end of the atmosphere, and innovation and intelligence are the starting point for development: Ru0026D technology is the basis for development and an important factor leading the development of the industry. Therefore, technology Ru0026D and product innovation are placed in an important position. Qian Dewu, director of the technical department, said bluntly: The development depends on technological innovation and product innovation. The Ru0026D team will work hard on intelligent manufacturing and product quality, and give full play to the benchmarking role of technology in the industry. Quality is the life and the foundation of brand development: quality is the life, and products without quality assurance are empty talk. Regarding product quality, Wang Gongbin, the quality manager, is full of confidence: Quality will be strictly controlled in terms of raw material procurement, supply chain, warehousing, production, logistics, etc., and will make every effort to create flawless products, and strive for a 100% customer satisfaction rate in 2019. In 2019, the product strives to be exquisite in every detail, and the production workshop will make every product seriously. No matter what kind of product, no matter whose product it is, we will do our best and do our best in accordance with the parameters and requirements of the technical department. Not only to win the brand of the product, but also to win the details of the product. What others can do and do well, we must do and do well. What others can't do or can't do well, we must use the strength of the team, gather all the strength, make products that satisfy customers, and do a good job of serving customers. The annual meeting continues to be exciting, and the host is actually the company's senior management. The performance of the various departments of the annual meeting was exceptionally eye-catching. In the wonderful work report and the deployment plan of the fiscal year work, bursts of warm applause pushed the event to a climax. In such a wonderful and important event, no one from the top leaders participated in the speech. But people soon discovered that this annual meeting was very different from the past: all the top leaders became the moderators. The company’s chairman and general manager Feng Xiao’an, and company’s vice president Yue Biao have all become the moderators. While they are listening carefully and carefully, they are taking turns to host the work patiently and meticulously. This makes the annual meeting feel like a family gathering, happy and warm. The year-end dinner is the beginning of the new year. The stage for people to relax themselves is the year-end dinner. The chairman of the company, Mr. Zhang Xuefei, delivered an enthusiastic speech. In addition to a brief review of the work in 2018, I would like to thank all those who supported the cause, especially those who have worked hard all the year round, and announced the rewards of teams and individuals who made outstanding achievements in 2018, and announced that they would purchase critical illness insurance for all parents. And make arrangements for the work in 2019. After learning that Lu Yang from the Chengdu office was unable to attend the annual meeting and dinner activities due to illness, before the party started, everyone generously donated money and sent their love and best wishes to Lu Yang. The party kicked off with cheerful music, and various departments actively participated in performing dances, singing, poetry recitations and other programs. Amid the graceful dancing, gentle singing, and beautiful music, everyone toasted... the year-end dinner, the beginning of the new year. Put down the wine glass, people will go to war again, and go to all parts of the country, and even the world.
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