The blockbuster with word of mouth, we will be able to see it right away

by:XY Screens     2021-09-19
Watching 'Star Wars' in the first Hollywood blockbuster in the beginning of the year has become a domestic movie-watching trend in the past three years. 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' will officially meet with us on January 5, 2018. The current comprehensive scores of Rotten Tomatoes, IMDb, and MTC are all good. Compared with the return of the previous 'The Force AwakensIs Rey inheriting the mantle of Luke Skywalker and re-taking the burden of the strongest combat power of the Resistance? Or let the First Army provoke a war and wipe out the righteous in one fell swoop? Will be the biggest attraction of this film. Of course, in addition to the excitement, there will be a lot of cute things that can amuse you, enriching the golden supporting cast of the Star Wars universe.
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