The right is the best, the best projection screen purchase tips

by:XY Screens     2021-09-19
Many people usually put the curtain in the last position when setting up a home theater, thinking that it is optional. In fact, this idea is completely wrong, and the role of the curtain is completely irreplaceable by the white wall! So after understanding this truth, what should everyone know when buying a screen? First: What are the current mainstream screen types of home projection screens? At present, the most popular and mainstream in the home projection field is undoubtedly the white plastic screen, because the price is relatively cheap, and it has the characteristics of true color reproduction. There are also glass bead screens and metal screens that are distinguished from white plastic screens. However, the use of such screens in the home environment is not as popular as white screens. If you want to study the reflection principles of different screen types, the current curtains mainly include diffuse reflection, retro reflection and reflection. Among them, the white plastic screen and the metal screen belong to the diffuse reflection principle, while the glass bead screen belongs to the retro reflection principle. It can be seen that in the household field, diffuse reflection screens are mainly used. The diffuse reflection screen has a large viewing angle, the gain is not too high, and the color is accurate and natural. The white plastic screen is a typical diffuse reflection type of this kind. Second: How to determine whether you want a 16:9 screen or a 2.53:1 screen? Many friends are troubled by this problem. Some people say that you buy a 16:9 screen for a 16:9 projector, and a 2.53:1 screen. To buy a screen of 2.53:1, it sounds best if the screen corresponds to the screen. This sounds like the best, and the utilization rate is high. However, I think the ratio of the screen to buy depends not only on the projector, but also on the most common screen. The signal format to be played. Generally speaking, their reference ratios are divided into half. According to the space and budget of the home theater, the current 16:9 screen is the mainstream type we choose. If it is an audio-visual room, with a large space and a reasonable budget, we recommend the 2.35:1 format. If you need to increase the configuration of the anamorphic lens, the true wide screen is still 2.35:1. It is worth mentioning that currently popular games such as X-BOX360, PS3, WILL, etc., game consoles are all in 16:9 HD format. Third: How to determine what size screen you need? The size of the screen generally refers to the length of its diagonal. The setting of the size of the projection screen depends entirely on where you are viewing the best position. According to the industry’s most professional THX certification calculation, with a viewing distance of 3 meters, the best size of the screen is 100 inches and 3.6 meters. It is 120 inches, 4.1 meters is 135 inches, and 4.6 meters is 150 inches. If the distance is too close or the screen is too large, you will have to keep your eyes moving when you watch the movie because you can’t come over, and you will experience visual fatigue after a long time. Of course, the problems we have in choosing home projection screens are not only those mentioned above, for example, there are relatively professional issues such as the selection of gray and white screens, and the calculation of gain. The projection era will be in the next time. Slowly discuss with everyone.
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