The story of the chicken and the thief-comprehension of life-XY Screens-img

The story of the chicken and the thief-comprehension of life

by:XY Screens     2021-08-11
The thief stole a chicken from the chicken coop,    knocked over the lamp of the chicken coop while escaping, and the chicken coop was on fire!   Chicken turned around and saw that a fire was burning,    understood, the thief saved it!   When the thief feeds it with valley,    it feels that the thief cares about it.  When the thief hides in hiding,    hides it in his arms,    it feels that the thief loves it.   One day when it saw the thief wielding a butcher knife,    it thought the thief must commit suicide,   so it blocked the thief with its own body,    it died happily!   This is often the case,    People who you think love you very much,    may not love you as much as you think,    or don’t love you at all...   Many times we lose to 'I think'. WeChat ID: SNOWHITE20020909
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