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What companies are producing fixed projector screen?
There are more and more companies specialized in the R&D and production of fixed projector screen in China. No matter they are new to or have been engaged in the industry for years, most of them have their own plants and employ a number of highly-qualified talents in R&D, design, manufacturing, customer service, and other sectors. They also keep abreast of the latest industry trend, introducing the latest equipment and technology from home and abroad to stay competitive. And they are the active participants in local, regional, international industry exhibitions to know the latest industry dynamics and to closely communicate with customers to learn about their latest needs.
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Guangzhou Xiong-Yun Audio-visual Equipment Co., Ltd. has made breakthroughs in the development and manufacture of curved fixed frame projection screen over the years. We are a market known company in China. The projector screen fabric series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. The product is durable, fully functional and has a long service life. Lightweight yet durable, these screens are widely used for home cinema, government agency, school, museum, five-star hotel, conference room, etc. The internationalization tendency of this product is catching more and more eyes. XY projection screen provides excellent value for money.
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XY Screens has been devoted to helping customers to enjoy Motorized Projection Screen use experience. Get an offer!

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