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What companies are producing ultra short throw projector screen?
There are more and more companies specialized in the R&D and production of ultra short throw projector screen in China. No matter they are new to or have been engaged in the industry for years, most of them have their own plants and employ a number of highly-qualified talents in R&D, design, manufacturing, customer service, and other sectors. They also keep abreast of the latest industry trend, introducing the latest equipment and technology from home and abroad to stay competitive. And they are the active participants in local, regional, international industry exhibitions to know the latest industry dynamics and to closely communicate with customers to learn about their latest needs.
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It is evident with the development of movie projector screen industry, XY Screens now is more popular for its high quality movie projector screen. Guangzhou Xiong-Yun Audio-visual Equipment Co., Ltd. focuses on providing a variety of tripod projector screen for customers. front and rear fabric is equipped with battery compartment and upper cover made of high-quality materials. It has high intensity and good corrosion resistance to ensure safe and reliable use. XY screen is also famous for its reliable customer service. Our innovative designs are approved by over 30 kinds of patents.
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We strive for energy-efficient production. There are many innovative technologies that have been selected to minimize or eliminate emissions.

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