Professional in producing projection screens over 11 years
At Guangzhou Xiong-Yun Audio-visual Equipment Co., Ltd., the instruction manual is usually provided along with our products. If you do not find the instruction manual in your shipment, please contact us as soon as possible and we will re-deliver to you. The instruction manual contains the guidance of usage/storing/maintenance, which you can also view the related video posed on our website. Our service package includes the attentive after-sales support. For any problems in product quality, maintenance, application, or others, feel free to contact us. Our service principle is to make you satisfied all along.
XY screen's business stays ahead of the competition and leads the pack in curved projector screen field. The Outdoor Projector Screens series has become a hot product of XY screen. XY Screens projector screen fabric is made on advanced production lines and by experienced technicians. Our products are well received in China, the United States, Europe, the Philippines, Indonesia and other countries. The product contributes a lot in reducing optic pollution. This product emits no over-bright illumination to protect the health of users as well as the environment. Well known for remarkable performance and longevity, Xiongyun Projector Screens have placed a strong pillar in the market.
We have the vision to persist with innovation for change, for growth, and for transformation. It creates momentum to fulfillment and success and continuously brings us technology humanization and the highest trustworthiness to embrace the new era of hopes and challenges.
Professional in producing projection screens over 10 years
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